Wanna get to know me?

Hi everyone 😇😇😇
Welcome to my very first own blog. Actually this is my first time blogging so i did not know much on what to write 😉😉😉 Okay so let me start this entry by introducing myself 👌👌👌 I am very sure that all of the readers want to get to know me right? Well i am just an ordinary person who live a happy-go-lucky life and being surrounded by lovely friends and family. My name is Amira Rashida Bt Tajol Azhar. My friend usually call me Amira or ART which is the acronym of my name. I am still a teenager (sweet eighteen) and of course still studying at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor (KMS).💩😎😎 I live in Kajang, Selangor. The distance between my house and KMS is only a one-hour-journey from my house. So i do not have to worry about going home.👪👪👪

Actually, this is not my first time being away from my family. Before this, I already spent 5 years in Perak in a MRSM Pasir Salak which is a boarding school. So i do not have the feeling of homesick as i already used to boarding school system. I really enjoy myself in KMS. Even though we had a lot of assignment and our schedule here is very packed but we still get a chance to enjoy the fun here.👍👍👍

So i hope you guys will also enjoy you life no matter where you are and what you need to go through in life. Because we need to enjoy our life as we only live once. That is all from me for this entry. I will be back soon. Till then do not forget to catch up with my next entry.💖💖💖
