My Brochure Project

Hi everyone!!!
How are you guys doing? I am so excited today because today i will be sharing about my project on brochure. My Science Computer lecture give me and my classmates a task to make a brochure about introduction to information technology .😉😉😉 I am so excited because this is my first time doing brochure. I am not so worried as i already had some experience at my previous school. I used to be on the school magazine editor at my previous school so i had some skills and experience on editing .😐😐😐

For this brochure we need to included the introduction to information technology, advantages and disadvantages of IT and the fields of IT. I already finish my brochure. I know you guys must be excited to see my brochure right? So let me show you my brochure. 😎😎😎 Do not worry as you wont be disappointed by my brochure.And the good is i got full mark for this brochure which is 10/10. 😹😹😹 Even though it is on my second trial, i finally manage to get the full mark. 👍👍👍

Okay everyone!!! Get excited to see my brochure!!!👏👏👏

 This is the front page. 

While this is the back view of my brochure.

So what is your opinion on my brochure? Pretty and neat right? If you were the Lecturer how much mark will you give to me? I am sure it is also full mark right? Hahahaha i am just kidding. My brochure is nothing compared to the expert one. That is all from me. Kindly wait for my next post. Till then 👋👋👋.
